General information
As a satellite-meeting of the LAMELIS summer school, a one-day workshop devoted to the recent developments in laser science and the related medical/biological applications is organized (20th July, 2018). The invited talks will be given by leading scientists from recognized laser-labs all over of the world. In accord with the aims of the LAMELIS summer school, the talks will summarize the latest results in the development of laser sources, technologies and concepts, with a special focus on the interaction of laser light and biological samples. The poster session of the workshop will also be interdisciplinary, with presentations ranging from research results mainly in the fields of physics and optics to medical applications already in the clinical phase. Besides the invited and contributed talks and posters, we offer the opportunity for the student participants of the LAMELIS summer school also to present their results.
University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Bolyai Building
"Bolyai" lecture hall (Tisza L. krt. 84-86, 2nd floor)
Please follow the signs on the walls that will guide you to this hall.
Invited speakers
- Tibor Juhász (University of California at Irvine, Medical Science I, USA) abstract
- Péter Simon (Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen e.V. Short Pulse, Nanostructure Group, Germany) abstract
Poster presentation
The organizers of this workshop would like to give the young participants the opportunity of attracting the most possible interest for their posters. To this end, posters will be presented in a slightly unusual, "twofold" way. The most important results can be highlighted during a short (8 minutes) oral presentation, and the audience attracted by these talks will also find the posters later, during the "usual" poster sessions.
Please note that poster presentation requires the submission of an abstract.
Registration: 31 May, 2018.
Poster abstract submission:
31 May, 2018.