Semiconductor Physics
1. "Review of modern phyics" (what we need in the following... see e.g. here)
2. Basic solid state physics (Crystals, Bloch theorem, bands, see Kittel's book, or again here)
3. Transport properties I: diffusive regime (S 24.2)
4. Transport properties II: ballistic regime (D)
5. Optical propries (ST 16)
6. Optical sources and detectors (ST 17, 18)
7. Semiconductor - metal junctions (see again this link, and/or here)
8. p-n junctions (see again this link)
9. Semiconductor heterostructures (E.g. the following document, mainly sec. 1-3)
10. Low-dimensional systems. (ST 16.1 G, or here, here and the part 2 of this text)
S: J. Sólyom, Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids (Springer 2009.)
D: S. Datta: Nanoelectronic devices: A unified view (pdf)
ST: B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich: Fundamentals of Photonics (Wiley, 2007.)
+ the links above
Possible topics for the short essay:
Requirements: 4-5 pages, do not forget to add a list of references.