BOR ZSOLT publikációi
1. I. Ketskeméty B. Rácz, Zs. Bor L. Kozma: Ob issledovanii OKG na rastvorah organicheskih krasiteley, vozbuzhdennih izlycheniem azotnogo lazera, Acta Phys. et Chem. 20 (1974) 191-197.
2. I. Ketskeméty, B. Rácz, Zs. Bor, L. Kozma: Issledovanie azotnogo lazera s poperechnim razryadom, Acta Techn. Acad. Sci. Hung. 80 (1975) 55-59.
3. Zs. Bor, M.M. Loiko, I. Ketskeméty and B. Rácz: O generacii smeshannih rastvorov pri nakachke azotnim lazerom "Lazeri na osnove organicheskih soedineniy" Minszk (1975) Materiali konferencii, ctr. 33.
4. M.M. Loiko, Zs. Bor, L. Kozma, B. Rácz and I. Ketskeméty: Optical distortion in a nitrogen laser pumped, dye laser. Opt. Commun. l5 (1975) 173-174.
5. A.N. Rubinov, T. Sh. Efendiev, A.V. Adamushko and Zs. Bor: Multifrequency operation of a distributed feedback dye laser with high repetition rate. Opt. Commun. 18 (1976) 18
6. A.N. Rubinov, T.Sh. Efendiev, A.V. Adamushko, Zs. Bor and N.A. Nemkovich: Lazer na krasitelyah s raspredelennoy obratnoy cvyazyu, rabotayushiy v rezhime chasto povtoryayushihsya impulsov, Prisma v ZhTF 2 (1976) 704-709.
7. I. Ketskeméty, L. Kozma, B. Rácz, Zs. Bor and M.M. Loiko:Generaciya binarnih rastvorov 7-dietilamina-4-metilkumarina i tripaflavina pri nakachke izlucheniem impulsnih OKG Kvant. Elektr. 3 (1976) 2282
8. L. Kozma, K. Chernai, I. Ketskeméty, B. Rácz and Zs. Bor: Iccledovanie generacii potusennih rasztvorov fluoreszceina, Acta Phys. et Chem. 22 (1976) 41-43.
9. L. Kozma, B. Rácz and Zs. Bor: Hangolható festéklézerek, Fizikai Szemle 1 (1976) 10
10. A.N. Rubinov, T.Sh. Efender, A.V. Adamushko and Zs. Bor: Multifrequency operation of distributed feedback dye laser with hight repectition rate, IXth International Conference on Quantum Electronics, Amsterdam (1976), Conference digest, p 18. 10. 11. T.Sh. Efendiev, A.V. Adamuschko, Zs. Bor and L. Kozma: Lazer na krasitelyah s raspredelennoy obratnoy svyazyu, rabotayussiy s bolshoy chastotoy povtoreniya impulsov pri vozbuzhdenii OKG na azote i AIG, Tezisi dokladov I. Vsesoyuznoy konferencii po kogerentnoy i nelineynoy optike, Tbilisi (1976)
12. A.N. Rubinov, T.Sh. Efendiev, A.V. Adamushko and Zs. Bor: Noviy metod odnovremennoy generacii izlucheniya neskolkih diskretnih chastot s nezavisimoy perestroykoy po spektru. Tezisi dokladov I. Vseseoyuznoy konferencii po kogerentnoyi nelineynoy optike, Tbilisi (1976)
13. Zs. Bor: Osobennosti generacii i sverluminescencii v lazerah na organicheskih krasitelyah pri vozbuzhdenii moshnim azotnim lazerom, IInd Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1976), Conference digest, p. 4
14. K. Chernai, B. Rácz, L. Kozma and Zs. Bor: Issledovanie generacii organicheskih krasiteley, potyshennih postorinnimi veshestvami, IInd Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1976), Conference digest, p. 11
15. K. Chernai, B. Rácz, L. Kozma and Zs. Bor: Issledovaniye generacii organicheskih krasiteley, potushennih postorinnimi veshestvami, Acta Phys. et Chem. 23 (1977) 175
16. I. Ketskeméty, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, L. Kozma and A.N. Rubinov: Improved line narrowing and wavelength stabilization technique of distributed feedback dye lasers, Opt. Commun. 22 (1977) 275
17. A.N. Rubinov, T.Sh. Effendiev, A.V. Adamushko and Zs. Bor: Simultaneous oscillation of several independently tunable spectral lines in a distributed feedback dye laser, Opt. Commun. 20 (1977) 159
18. I. Ketskeméty, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and L. Kozma: Spatially inhomogeneous saturation of gain in organic solutions caused by amplified spontaneous emission, Opt. Commun. 21 (1977) 25
19. B. Rácz, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and Cs. Zoltán: Subnanosecond relaxation oscillations in nitrogen laser pumped dye lasers, Acta Phys. et Chem. 23 (1977) 367
20. Zs. Bor: Osobennosti generacii i sverhluminescencii v lazerah na organicheskih krasitelyah pri Vozbuzhdeniy moshnim azotnim lazerom, Acta Phys. et Chem. 23 (1977) 37
21. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, I. Ketskeméty and L. Kozma: Investigation of the relaxation oscillation of N2 laser pumped dye lasers. Internationale Tagung Laser und ihre Anwendungen, Dresden (1977)
22. Kozma, I. Ketskeméty, K. Chernai, B. Rácz and Zs. Bor: Untersuchung der Besonderheiten der Erzeugung gelöschter Lösungen. Internationale Tagung Laser und ihre Anwendungen, Dresden (1977)
23. P.Schäfer, Zs. Bor, W. Luttke and B. Liphardt: Bifluorophoric laser dyes with intramolecular energy transfer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 68 (1978) 1644
24. F.P. Schäfer, Zs. Bor, W. Lüttke and B. Liphardt: Bifluorophoric laser dyes with intramolecular energy transfer, Tenth International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 29-June1. Atlanta (Georgia, USA) (1978).
25. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, L. Kozma, A.N. Rubinov and T.Sh. Efendiev: The effect of an external mirror on the characteristics of an N2 laser pumped distributed feedback dye laser, Opt. Commun. 24 (1978) 265-267.
26. F.P. Schäfer, Zs. Bor, W. Lüttke and B. Liphardt: Bifluorophoric laser dyes with intramolecular energy transfer, Chem. Phys. Lett. 56 (1978) 455-457.
27. I. Ketskeméty, B. Rácz, Zs.Bor, I. Sánta és G: Szabó: Kvantumelektronikai vizsgálatok a JATE Kísérleti Fizikai Intézetében. Az integrált optika, optoelektronika és lézerkutatás helyzete. Tudományos ülésszak, Budapest (1978)
28. Bor Zs., Rácz B., Ketskeméty I. és Kozma L.: Elosztott visszacsatolású festéklézerek, Kép- és hangtechnika 25 (1979) 21-22.
29. Zs. Bor: Novel pumping arrangement for tunable single picosecond pulse generation with a N2 laser pumped distributed feedback dye laser, Opt. Commun. 29 (1979) 103-108.
30. Zs. Bor: Intrapulse thermally induced wavelength shift in a distributed feedback dye laser, Appl. Phys. 19 (1979) 39-41.
31. A.N. Rubinov, T.Sh. Effendiev, Zs. Bor, L. Kozma and B. Rácz: Lazer na rastvorah krasiteley s racpredelennoy obratnoy svyazyu, inducirovannoy nakachkoy, Izv. A.N. SSSR Ser. Fiz. 43 (1979) 1773-1777.
32. Bor Zs. és Rácz B.: Hangolható festéklézerek, Fizika (1979), Gondolat Könyvkiadó, Budapest
33. Zs. Bor: 10 A continuous pressure tuning of a single frequency distributed feedback dye laser, Opt. Commun. 29 (1979) 329-330.
34. B. Rácz. Zs. Bor, I. Ketskeméty, L. Kozma and G. Szabó: Short pulse generation by a long cavity dye laser, IIIrd Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1979), Conference digest, p. 291
35. G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, I. Ketskeméty, L. Kozma and B. Rácz: Improvement of spectral properties of dye lasers, using intracavity lens, IIIrd Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1979), Conference digest, p. 285
36. Zs. Bor: Tunable single picosecond pulse generation by N2 laser pumped distributed feedback dy laser, IIIrd Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1979), Conference digest, p. 265-283.
37. Rácz B., Bor Zs. és Kozma L.: Hangolható festéklézerek és alkalmazásai, II. Országos Lumineszcencia Nyári Iskola, Debrecen (1979), Konferencia anyaga, 2l. old.
38. Bor Zs., Ketskeméty I., Rácz B., Kozma L. és Szabó G.: Nitrogén lézerrel gerjesztett festéklézerek vizsgálata szubnanoszekundomos impulzusok előállítására, Fizikus vándorgyűlés, Miskolc (1979)
39. Zs. Bor: Tunable picosecond pulse generation by a N2 laser pumped self Q-switched distributed feedback dye laser, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-16 (1980) 517-524.
40. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó:Two-dimensional halo laser performance, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 70 (1980) 1410
41. J. Hebling, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, B. Német and I. Sánta: Generation of nearly transform-limited subnanosecond light pulses by long cavity dye lasers, Acta Phys. et Chem. 26 (1980) 137-140.
42. B. Rácz and G. Szabó: Improved model of nitrogen laser-pumped dye lasers. Acta Phys et Chemica 26 (1980) 127-135.
43. B. Rácz, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and S. Szatmári: Generation of tunable subnanosecond pulses in nitrogen laser pumped dye lasers, Acta Phys. et Chem. 26 (1980) 117
44. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó and Z.Gy. Horváth: Two-dimensional halo laser performance, Phys. Lett. 80A (1980) 153-155.
45. B. Rácz, Zs. Bor, S. Szatmári and G. Szabó: Comparative study of beam expanders used in nitrogen laser pumped dye laser, Opt. Commun. 36 (1981) 399-402.
46. N. Periasamy and Zs. Bor: Distributed feedback laser action in an optical fiber by evanescent field coupling, Opt. Commun. 39 (1981) 298-302.
47. Zs. Bor: Amplified spontaneous emission from N2 laser pumped dye lasers, Opt. Commun. 39 (1981) 383-386.
48. Zs. Bor, A. Müller, B. Rácz and F.P. Schafer: Ultrashort pulse generation by distributed feedback dye lasers I. Temporal characteristics, Appl. Phys. B27 (1982) 9-14.
49. Zs. Bor, A. Müller, B. Rácz and F.P. Schafer: Ultrashort pulse generation by distributed feedback dye lasers II. Energy characteristics, Appl. Phys. B27 (1982) 77-81.
50. Zs. Bor, A. Müller and B. Rácz: UV and blue picosecond pulse generation by a nitrogen laser pumped distributed feedback dye laser, Opt. Commun. 40 (1982) 294-297.
51. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, S. Szatmári, A. Müller, F.P. Müller and F.P. Schäfer: Picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye lasers, International Conference and School: Lasers and Applications, Bucharest (1982), Conference digest, p. 11
52. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó and A. Müller: The pulse duration of a distributed feedback dye laser under single pulse conditions. in Picosecond Phenomena III., Edited by K.B. Eisenthal, R.M. Hochstrasser, W. Kaiser, A. Laubereau, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 23 (1982) 62
53. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and F.P. Schäfer: Usilitel ultrakorotkih impulsov, nakachivayemy N2 lazerom, Kvant. Elektron. 9 (1982) 1639-1646.
54. A. Müller, F.P. Schöfer, Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Tunable picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye lasers, XIIth International Quantum Electronics Conference, München (1982), Conference digest, Applied Phys. B28 (1982) 177.
55. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and F.P. Schafer: Nitrogen-laser-pumped ultrashort pulse amplifier. Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 12(8) (1982) 1050.
56. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, S. Szatmári, A. Müller and F.P. Schäfer: Picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye lasers, IVth Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1982), Conference digest, p. 263-271.
57. B. Rácz and Zs. Bor: Low divergence, short pulse oscillator-amplifier system in the 337.1 nm band of the nitrogen, 4th Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1982), Conference digest, p. 315-318.
58. Szatmári and Zs. Bor: N2 lasers pumped distributed feedback dye laser oscillator-amplifier system, 4th Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1982), Conference digest, p. 319-322.
59. Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Propagation of a laser pulse in an amplifier with superluminal velocity 4th Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1982), Conference digest, p. 327-330.
60. G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and A. Müller: 20 MW 2.5 ps pulse generation by a mode-locked Nd-YAG laser pumped distributed feedback dye laser, 4th Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1982), Conference digest, p. 323-326.
61. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, S. Szatmári, A. Müller and F.P. Schäfer: Picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye laser, International Conference and School: Lasers and Applications, Bucharest (1982), Conference digest, p. 307-321.
62. J. Hebling and Zs. Bor: Shortening and stabilization of distributed feedback laser pulses by using a saturable absorber, 4th Conference on Luminescence, Szeged (1982), Conference digest, p. 331-336.
63. Rácz, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó Picosecond dye lasers, Laser Physics, "Days of Hungarian Science" Helsinki (1982), Symposium
64. G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and A. Müller: Amplification and measurement of single 1.6-3.5 ps pulses generated by a distributed feedback dye laser, Appl. Phys. B31 (1983) 1-4.
65. Zs. Bor and F.P. Schäfer: New single-pulse generation technique for distributed feedback dye lasers, Appl. Phys. B31 (1983) 209-213.
66. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, A. Müller and H.P. Dorn: Picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye lasers, Helv. Phys. Acta 56 (1983) 383-392.
67. Zs. Bor, S. Szatmári and A. Müller: Picosecond pulse shortening by travelling wave amplified spontaneous emission, Appl. Phys. B32 (1983) 101-104.
68. Zs. Bor, S. Szatmári, G. Szabó and B. Rácz: Distributed feedback dye laser tuning by divergent pumping beams, Acta Phys. et Chem. 29 (1983) 17-25.
69. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and A. Müller: Generation of 6-psec pulses with a nitrogen-laser-pumped distributed-feedback dye laser, Appl. Opt. 22 (1983) 3327-3330.
70. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, A. Müller and H.P. Dorn: Picosecond distributed feedback dye lasers. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, Maryland (1983), Conference digest, p. 156
71. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, A. Müller and H.P. Dorn: Picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye laser 3rd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS, Lausanne (1983), Conference digest, p. 98
72. Zs. Bor: Generaciya pikosekundnih lazernih impulsov za schet samomodulyacii dobrotnosty b lazere na krasitelel s raspredelennoy obratnoy svyazyu, Digest of the Conference: Sverhbistrie processi v spektroskopii, Minszk (1983)
73. A. Müller, H.P. Dorn, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and G. Szabó: Picosecond distributed feedback dye lasers, The International Conference on Lasers 1983. Guangzhon (Canton), China (1983), Conference digest, p. 287.
74. .Zs. Bor: Generaciya pikosekundnih lazernih impulsov za schot samomodulyacii dobrotnosty v lazere s raspredelennoy obratnoy svyazyu, Izv. A.N. SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 48 (1984) 1527-1533.
75. G. Szabó, B. Rácz, A. Müller, B. Nikolaus and Zs. Bor: Travelling-wave-pumped ultrashort-pulse distributed feedback dye laser, Appl. Phys. B34 (1984) 145-147.
76. S. Szatmári and Zs. Bor: Directional and wavelength sweep of distributed feedback dye laser pulses, Appl. Phys. B34 (1984) 29-31.
77. G. Szabó, B. Rácz, Zs. Bor, B. Nikolaus and A. Müller: Travelling-wave-pumped ultrashort-pulse distributed feedback dye laser, in Picosecond Phenomena IV., Edited by D.H. Auston, K.B. Eisenthal, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1984), p. 60
78. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, I. Ketskeméty and L. Kozma: Comparison of short pulse generation methodes of N2 laser pumped dye lasers, Acta Phys. Hung. 55 (1984) 229-239.
79. J. Hebling, Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Design of N2 laser pumped tunable distributed feedback dye laser with extended tuning range, Acta Phys. et Chem. 30 (1984) 127-133.
80. J. Hebling and Zs. Bor: Distributed feedback dye laser pumped by a laser having a low degree of coherence, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 17 (1984) 1077-1080.
81. A. Müller and Zs. Bor: Farbstofflaser mit verteilter Ruckkopplung zur Erzeugung von Pikosekunden-Impulsen, Laser und Optoelektronik, (1984/3) 187-196.
82. A. Müller, G. Szabó, B. Rácz, B. Nikolaus and Zs. Bor: Travelling wave pumped ultrashort pulse distributed feedback dye laser, Digest of the papers presented at the Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Phenomena, jun 12-15, 1984, Monterey, California, Előadás: FB3-1.
83. G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, A. Müller and I. Ketskeméty: Picosecond and subpicosecond pulse generation by travelling wave amplified spontaneous emission an distributed feedback dye laser, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical, Engineering, v. 473, Symposium Optika '84, Budapest (1984) 170-172.
84. Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Picosecond dye laser pumped by an excimer laser. Appl. Opt. 24, (1985) 1910-1913.
85. B. Burghardt, R. Schwarzwald, Zs. Bor and B. Nikolaus: New picosecond excimer laser system. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, Maryland (U.S.A.), IEEE J. Quantum Electron. (1985)
86. Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Group velocity dispersion in prisms and its application to pulse compression and travelling-wave excitation, Opt. Commun. 54 (1985) 165- 170.
87. Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Dispersion of optical materials used for picosecond spectroscopy, Appl. Opt. 24 (1985) 3440-3441.
88. Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Pulse compression and travelling wave excitation by dispersive prisms. Digest of the Conference on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn (1985)
89. Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Group velocity dispersion in prism systems and its applications, 5th Conference on Luminescence, Aug. 27-30. Szeged (1985), Conference digest, p. 78-85.
90. B. Burghardt, R. Schwarzwald, Zs. Bor and B. Nikolaus: New picosecond excimer laser system. Digest of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, (1985) 144.
91. J. Hebling, Zs. Bor and P. Heszler: Wavelength of distributed feedback dye lasers as a function of the pump-laser wavelength, Opt. Quantum Electron. 17 (1985) 457-461.
92. Rácz and Zs. Bor: Picosecond DFB dye lasers Digest of the Conference on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn (1985).
93. Szabó G., Bor Zs., Hebling J. és Rácz B.: Lézer rezonátorok, tranziens jelenségek lézerekben, "Lézerek", őszi iskola anyaga, Visegrád (1986) 31-56.
94. Hebling J., Kovács G., Szabó G., Rácz B. és Bor Zs.: Excimer lézerek és alkalmazásaik, "Lézerek", őszi iskola anyaga, Visegrád (1986) 149-167.
95. Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó és J. Hebling: Festéklézerek, "Lézerek", őszi iskola anyaga, Visegrád (1986) 207-237.
96. Zs. Bor and A. Müller: Picosecond distributed feedback dye laser, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. Vol. QE-22 (1986) 1524-1533.
97. Zs. Bor: Picosecond pulse generation by distributed feedback dye laser, 4th Summer School on Quantum Electronics, „Lasers and Their Applications” (1986) 383-398.
98. J. Hebling and Zs. Bor: Achromatic pumping condition for a distributed-feedback dye laser, Optica Acta 33 (1986) 1063-1071.
99. G. Szabó, F. Ráksi, Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Direct measurement of gain saturation induced physe modulation in ps dye amplifiers, 1st Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy, August 28-30 (1986), Pécs, p. 1
100.Heszler P.és Bor Zs.: Fényvezetőszálak a távközlésben, Fizikai Szemle 11 (1986) 408-415.
101.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and F. Ráksi: Investigation of saturation induced self phase modulation in high gain amplifiers, World Scientific Publisher, Singapure, (1987) 33
102.Szabó G., Bor Zs., Rácz B. és Ketskeméty I.: Excimer lézerek felhasználása környezetkutatási célú távérzékelésben, Fizikai módszerek az emberi környezet kutatásban és védelmében, Szerk.: Berényi D., Akadémi+ai Kiadó, Budapest (1987) 53
103.Zs. Bor, F. Ráksi, B. Rácz, G. Kovács and J. Klebniczki: Excimer laser pumped dye laser for fluorescence decay time measurement, XIIIth International Conference on Photochemistry, 1987, Budapest, Hungary, 665-666.
104.P. Simon, Zs. Bor and A. Tószegi: Excimer laser angioplasty of human coronary arteries: preliminary results, XIIIth International Conference on Photochemistry, 1987, Budapest, Hungary, 473-474.
105.P. Simon and Zs. Bor: Production of less than 200 nm line structure by direct etching of polymers using 308 nm (XeCl) radiation, XIIIth International Conference on Photochemistry, 1987, Budapest, Hungary, 471-472
106.P. Simon and Zs. Bor: Laser ablation of polymers in liquid environments, XIIIth International Conference on Photochemistry, 1987, Budapest, Hungary
107.Kovács G., Hebling J., Rácz B. and Bor Zs.: Lézerfizikai kutatások Szegeden I., Nitrogénlézerek, Fizikai Szemle 37(7) (1987) 257-261.
108.Kovács G., Hebling J., Szabó G., Szatmári S. and Bor Zs.: Lézerfizikai kutatások Szegeden II., Excimer lézerek, Fizikai Szemle 37(9) (1987) 343-347.
109.Bor Zs., Rácz B., Szabó G. and Klebniczki J.: Lézerfizikai kutatások Szegeden III., Festéklézerek, Fizikai Szemle 37 (1987)376-384.
110.Simon P., Bor Zs., Rácz B. and Hebling J.: Lézerfizikai kutatások Szegeden IV., Az excimer-, nitrogén-, és festéklézerek alkalmazásai, Fizikai Szemle 37(11) (1987) 412-417.
111.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and F. Ráksi: Investigation of saturation induced self phase modulation in high gain amplifiers, Abstracts of the V. International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Vilnius (1987)
112.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and F. Ráksi: Investigation of saturation induced self phase modulation in high gain amplifiers, Proceedings of the V. International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Word Scientific, Vilnius (1987)
113.M.M. Asimov, V.M. Nikitchenko, A.I. Novikov, A.N. Rubinov, Zs. Bor and L. Gáti: New high-efficiency biscoumarin laser dyes, Chem. Phys. Lett. 149 (1988) 140-144.
114.Zs. Bor, F. Ráksi, G. Kovács and B. Rácz: Excimer laser pumped dye laser for fluorescence decay time measurement, Appl. Spectr. 42 (1988) 583-585.
115.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, G. Kovács and B. Rácz: Short electrode length quenched N2 laser, Optika '88 Third International Symposium on Modern Optics I.(1988) 80
116.G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and A. Müller: A phase sensitive single pulse autocorrelator for ultrashort pulses, Sixth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (ICUP)'88, Tokyo, Japán, July 15. (1988)
117.Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Generation and measurement of picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses, Optika'88 Third International Symposium on Modern Optics (1988) 53-59.
118.D. Basting, B. Burghardt, P. Lokai, W. Mückenheim and Zs.Bor: Single-frequency dye laser with 50 ns pulse duration, SPIE Proc. 912, O-E/LASE'88, 1
119.W. Mückenheim. B. Burghardt, P. Lokai and Zs. Bor: Strong etalon-caused mode-pulling observed by means of spatial hole burning in a pulsed dye laser, European Conference on Quantum Electronics (EQEC`88), September 12-15. 1988
120.B. Burghardt, P. Lokai, W. Mückenheim and Zs. Bor: Mode-Pulling und raumliches Lochbrennen in einem gepulsten Ein-Moden-Farbstofflaser, DFG Conference, 1988, München, Quantenoptik Q-14, Mittwoch, 23.3.1988.
121.J. Klebniczki, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Theory of travelling-wave amplified spontaneous emission, Appl. Phys. B46 (1988) 151-155.
122.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, G. Kovács and B. Rácz: Decreasing the divergence of high-gain laser, Opt. Quant. Electr. 20 (1988) 377-381.
123.Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Femtosecond pulse generation at the excimer laser lines using distributed feedback dye lasers, European Conference on Quantum Electronics (EQEC'88) Hannover, September 12-15. (1988)
124.G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: 300 femtosecond pulses at 497 nanometer generated by an excimer laser pumped cascade of distributed feedback dye lasers, Appl. Phys. B47 (1988) 299-302.
125.Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: A novel picosecond distributed feedback dye laser arrangement for excimer laser pumping, Appl. Phys. B47 (1988) 135-140.
126.G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and A. Müller: Phase-sensitive single-pulse autocorrelator for ultrashort laser pulses, Opt. Lett. 13 (1988) 746-748.
127.Zs. Bor: Distortion of femtosecond laser pulses in lenses and lens systems, J. Modern Optics 35 (1988) 1907-1918.
128.Szabó G., Bor Zs., Rácz B., és Ketskeméty I.: Excimer lézerek felhasználása a környezetkutatási célú távérzékelésben. Fizikai módszerek az emberi környezet kutatásában és védelmében, Szerk. Berényi Dénes
129.Zs. Bor: Distortion of femtosecond laser pulses in lenses, Opt. Letts. 14 (1989) 119-121.
130.G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Frequency doubling of femtosecond laser pulses, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, (1989)
131.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and A. Müller: Chirp-sensitive single-shot autocorrelation technique for femtosecond pulses, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, (1989)
132.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, G. Kovács and B. Rácz: Short electrode length quenched N2 laser, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989)
133.G. Kovács, P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, J. Hebling and J. Klebniczki: Improved jitter of N2 lasers using active feedback, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989)
134.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, G. Kovács and G. Szabó: Cu-vapor laser pumped l ns dye laser, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989)
135.Z. Gogolák, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Compensation of cubic phase term of a prismatic pulse compressor, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989)
136.Zs. Benkő, Z. Gogolák, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Pulse front distortion measurements in prisms by time-of-flight interferometry, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989)
137.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, Z. Gogolák and Zs. Benkő: Distortion of femtosecond light pulses in optical systems and their applications, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989)
138.Zs. Bor, Z. Gogolák and G. Szabó: Femtosecond resolution pulse front distortion measurement by time-of-flight interferometry, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, (1989) PD 32-1.
139.A. Müller and Zs. Bor: Die Erzeugung und Messung ultrakurzer Laserpulse, Acta Leopoldina 64 (1989) 43-49.
140.Zs. Bor and G. Szabó Generation of picosecond and femtosecond pulses by distributed feedback dye lasers, Scientific Instrumentation 5 (1990) 119-127.
141.Zs. Bor, Z. Gogolák and G. Szabó: Femtosecond-resolution pulse-front distortion measurement by time-of-flight interferometry, Opt. Lett. 14 (1989) 862-864.
142.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, G. Kovács and G. Szabó: Cu-vapor laser-excited short-pulse dye laser Appl. Spectr. 43 (1989) 728-729.
143.G. Kovács, P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, J. Hebling and J. Klebniczki: Improved jitter and long-term stability of N2 lasers, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 22 (1989) 940-942.
144.J. Hebling, J. Klebniczki, P. Heszler, Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Travelling-wave amplified spontaneous emission excited in a prismatic geometry, Appl. Phys. B48 (1989) 401-403.
145.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor and G. Hajós: Incubation process in polyimid upon UV photoablation, Appl. Phys. A49 (1989) 739-740.
146.Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Distortion of femtosecond laser pulses in optical systems and their applications. UPS’89, Reinhardsbrunn, (1989).
147.Z. L. Horváth, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: The propagation of femtosecond laser pulses in dispersive media. 2nd Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy, Oct. (1989), Pécs
148.G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Broadband frequency doubler for femtosecond pulses, Appl. Phys. B50 (1989) 51-54.
149.Zs. Bor: Femtosecond optics, XVII International Cong. on Quantum Electronics, Anaheim, California (1990), paper QThJ4
150.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, Z. Gogolák and Zs. Benkő: Distortion of femtosecond light pulses in optical systems and their applications, Laser'90 Conference, New Orleans (1990)
151.Hilbert M., Bor Zs., Benedict M.: A Heisenberg-féle törvény és a spektrográfok feloldó képessége közötti kapcsolatról, Fizikai Szemle 12 (1990) 368
152.Zs. Bor, K. Osvay, B. Rácz, G. Szabó: Group refractive index measurement by Michelson interferometer, Opt. Commun. 78 (1990) 109-112.
153.J. Hebling, J. Seres, Zs. Bor and B. Rácz: Dye laser pulse shortening and stabilization by Q-switching, Opt. Quant. Electr. 22 (1990) 375-384.
154.J. Seres, J. Hebling, and Zs. Bor: Stability of distributed feedback dye laser excited by an excimer laser, Acta Physica et Chemica, XXXVI. Fasficuli 1-4 (1990).
155.G. Szabó, A. Müller and Zs. Bor: A sensitive single shot method to determine duration and chirp of ultrashort pulses with a streak camera, Opt. Commun. 82 (1991) 56-62.
156.H.M.Phillips, D.L. Callahan, R. Sauerbrey, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Sub-l00 nm lines produced by direct laser ablation in polyimide, Appl. Phys. Lett. 1 (1991) 23
157.Z. Gogolák, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Compensation of the cubic phase term of a prismatic pulse compressor, Experimentelle Technik der Physik 39 (1991) 323-325.
158.Zs. Benkő, Z. Gogolák, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Pulse front distortion measurements in prisms measured by time-of-flight interferometry, Experimentelle Technik der Physik 39 (1991) 447-449
159.Zs. Bor: Distributed feedback dye lasers, Winter College on Ultrafast Phenomena (l99l) Trieste
160.Zs. Bor and Z.L. Horváth Behaviour of femtosecond pulses in lenses, VIIth International Symposium on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 126, Bayreuth, (1991) p. 163
161.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and G. Szabó: Propagation-time-dispersion in a streak camera lens, VIIth International Symposium on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 126, Bayreuth, (1991) p. 169-171.
162.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, A. Kovács, G. Szabó, B. Rácz, H.A. Hazim and O.E. Martinez: Prismatic pulse compressor for synchronously pumped mode-locked lasers VIIth International Symposium on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 126, Bayreuth, (1991) p. 93
163.G. Szabó, A. Müller and Zs. Bor: Femtosecond resolution pulse duration and chirp measurement by picosecond streak camera, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO’91) Baltimore, (1991) paper CTuW42
164.H. Phillips, R. Sauerbrey, D. Callahan, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: 70-nm lines produced by direct laser ablation in polyimide, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO’91) Baltimore, (1991) paper CFF6
165.Zs. Bor: Femtosecond Optics, Winter College on Ultrafast Phenomena (l99l) Trieste
166.P. Heszler, Zs. Bor, G. Kovács and B. Rácz: Short electrode length quenched N2 laser Experimentelle Technik der Physik 39 (1991) 443-446.
167.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, A. Kovács, H.A. Hazim, B. Rácz and O.E. Martinez: Controllable group velocity dispersion with constant group delay in prismatic pulse compressors, Laserion June 12-14, 1991, München, Germany
168.Zs. Bor, Z.L. Horváth: Focusing of femtosecond pulses, Invited paper on LASERION '91, June 12-14, 1991 München
169.P. Heszler, Z. Bor, G. Kovács and G. Szabó: Cu-Vapor Laser Pumped 1 ns Dye Laser Experimentelle Technik der Physik 39 (1991) 405-407.
170.Szabó G., Bor Zs. és Rácz B.: Szub 100 nm-es struktúrák direkt ablációja poliimiden. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 54
171.Rácz B., Patócs Á., Bor Zs., Szabó G. és Ignácz F.: Szubnanoszekundumos excimer lézerimpulzusok generálása. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 30
172.Kovács A., Osvay K., Bor Zs., Szabó G., Rácz B., H.A. Hazim és O.E. Martinez: Prizmás impulzus-kompresszor szinkronpumpált lézerekhez. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 19.
173.Hopp B., Rácz B., Bor Zs. és Szabó G.: Polimerek felületének struktúrája ArF excimer lézeres fotoablálás után. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 55
174.Horváth L. Z., Szabó G. és Bor Zs.: Homogén femtoszekundumos nyaláb terjedése homogén diszperzív közegben. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 11
175.Kovács A. és Bor Zs.: Impulzusfront dőlés szögdiszperzió hatására. Hullámoptikai tárgyalás. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 12
176.Szabó G., Bor Zs. és Rácz B.: Fázisérzékeny, egylövéses autokorrelátor a spektrum UV tartományban. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 20
177.Szabó G., Bor Zs. és Rácz B.: Egymódusú, polarizáció megtartó optikai szálak diszperziójának mérése. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 15
178.Hopp B., Rácz B., Bor Zs., Szabó G. és Ignácz F.: Orvosi szilikongumi ArF excimer lézerrel történő fotoablációjának vizsgálata. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 61
179.Klebniczki J., Bor Zs., Hebling J., Hopp B., Hajós G. és H.A. Hazim: 10 mikrométernél vékonyabb folyadéksugár előállítása és alkalmazása festéklézerekben. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 16
180.Horváth L. Z. és Bor Zs.: Femtoszekundumos Gauss-nyaláb fókuszálása lencsével. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 9
181.Horváth L. Z. és Bor Zs.: Homogén femtoszekundomos nyaláb fókuszálása lencsével. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991) p. 10
182.Osvay, K. Bor, Zs., Kovács A., Rácz B. és Szabó G.: Terjedési idő diszerziója sávkamera objektivjében. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Bkudapest, (1991)
183.Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, B. Hopp, I. Süveges, J. Mohay and I. Ratkay: Time resolved study of surface shock wave formation during excimer laser ablation of the cornea, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO’92) Anaheim, California, (1992) paper CThL6,
184.H.M. Phillips, D.L. Callahan, R. Sauerbrey, G. Szabó and Zs.Bor: Direct laser ablation of sub-100 nm line structures into polyimide, Appl. Phys. A54 (1992) 158-165.
185.B. Rácz, Á. Patócs, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and F. Ignácz: Direct generation of sub-nanosecond pulses in a high pressure miniature excimer laser, Appl. Phys. B54 (1992) 513-515.
186.Zs. Bor and Z. Horváth: Diffraction pattern of a femtosecond pulse in the focal plane of a lens, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Vienna, (1992) paper PWe110
187.Zs. Bor and A. P. Kovács: Compression of spatially dispersed pulses, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Vienna, (1992) paper PTu104
188.B. Rácz, A. Patócs, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and F. Ignácz: Subnanosecond pulse generation by a miniature excimer laser, XVIII. International Quantum Electronics Conference, Vienna, (1992) paper TuD1.
189.Zs. Bor, K. Osvay, H.A. Hazim, A. Kovács, G. Szabó and B. Rácz: Adjustable prism compressor with constant transit time for synchronously pumped mode locked laser, Opt. Commun. 90 (1992) 70-72.
190.Zs. Bor and Z.L. Horváth: Focusing of 6-femtosecond pulses in a BK7 lens, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO’92) Anaheim, California, (1992) paper CTuB6
191.Zs. Bor and Z. L. Horváth: Distortion of a 6-fs pulse in the focus of a BK7 lens, VIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast, Phenomena, Antibes, (1992) paper TuC30
192.Zs. Bor and Z.L. Horváth: Distortion of femtosecond pulses in lenses. Wave optical description, Opt. Commun. 94 (1992) 249-258.
193.J. Mohay, I. Süveges, I. Ratkay, Á. Füst, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and B. Rácz, B. Hopp and Sz. Virágh: Scanning electron microscopical study of corneal incisions induced by an excimer laser , Szemészet, 129 (1992) 31-33.
194.P. Heszler, B. Hopp, E. Homolya and Zs. Bor: Accumulation (incubation) process of UV photoablation on PET, Spectrochimica Acta, 48A (1992) 41-44.
195.Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, B. Hopp, I. Süveges and J. Mohay: Szaruhártya excimer lézeres ablációja. A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, Budapest (1991), p. 60.
196.Zs. Bor and Z.L. Horváth: Distortion of femtosecond pulse fronts in lenses. Topics in Appl. Phys., Dye Lasers: 25 Years (Ed.: Dr. Michael Stuke), vol. 70, Springer Verlag (1992) p. 87-94.
197.T. Juhász, L. Turi, Zs. Bor, B. Frueh and G. Szabó: Experimental investigation of picosecond optical breakdown in water and biological tissues, Proceedings of the Conference Laser'92, Houston, December 7-11 (1992) p. 739-745.
198.Bor, Z. L. Horváth Behaviour of femtosecond pulses in lenses, Proc. of the VIIth Symposium Ultrafast Prosesses in Spectroscopy, (UPS’92) Bayreuth, The Inst. of Phys. Publishing, Bristol
199.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, J. Heitz, I.N. Ross: A laser micromachining projection microscope, Applied Optics and Opto-Electronics, 14-17 September, Leeds (1992)
200.Zs. Bor, B. Hopp, B. Rácz, G.Szabó, I. Ratkay, I. Süveges, Á. Füst and J. Mohay: Plume emission, shock wave and surface wave formation during excimer laser ablation of the cornea. Refractive and Corneal Surgery 9 (1993) 111-115.
201.Z.L. Horváth, Zs. Benkő, A.P. Kovács, H.A. Hazim and Zs. Bor: Propagation of femtosecond pulses through lenses, gratings and slits, Opt. Eng. 32 (1993) 2491-2500.
202.Zs. Bor, B. Hopp, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, Zs. Márton, I. Ratkay, J. Mohay, I. Süveges and Á. Füst: Physical problems of excimer laser cornea ablation, Opt. Eng. 32 (1993) 2481.
203.Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, M. Hilbert and H.A. Hazim: Femtosecond pulse front tilt caused by angular dispersion, Opt. Eng. 32 (1993) 2501-2504.
204.T. Juhász, X.H. Hu, L. Turi and Zs. Bor: Experimental investigation of shock waves and cavitation bubbles generated by picosecond optical breakdown in water and biological tissues, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO’93) Baltimore, (1993), paper CTuN88.
205.Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, B. Hopp, Zs. Márton and T. Juhász: Dynamics of laser ablation of biological tissues, The Second International Conference on Laser Ablation: Mechanisms and Applications-II. April 19-22, Knoxville, (1993) p. 483-490.
206.Gogolák Z. és Bor Zs.: Az új méter-szabvány a lézerfizika tükrében, Fizikai Szemle 5. szám, (1993) 187-191.
207.Horváth L.Z. és Bor Zs.: Femtoszekundumos optika, Lézerek és alkalmazásai, Téli Iskola, Visegrád, (1993)
208.Bor Zs., Rácz B., Szabó G., Hopp B. és Márton Zs.: Fotoabláció excimer lézerekkel. Lézerek és alkalmazásai, Téli Iskola, Visegrád, (1993)
209.Zs. Benkő, H.A. Hazim, M. Hilbert and Zs. Bor: Boundary waves, 16th Congress of the International Comission for Optics, Budapest, August 9-13, (1993)
210.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, J. Heitz and I. N. Ross: A laser micromachining projection microscope, 16th Congress of the International Comission for Optics, Budapest, August 9-13, (1993)
211.Z.L. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Focusing of femtosecond pulses having gaussian spatial distribution, Opt. Commun. 100 (1993) 6-12.
212.I. Ratkay, I. Süveges, Á Füst and Zs. Bor: Corneal wound healing after photorefractive keratectomy, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cornea, Eye Banking and External Diseases, Jerusalem, (1993)
213.B. Rácz, Zs. Bor, B. Hopp, G. Szabó, I. Süveges, J.Mohay, I. Ratkay and Á. Füst: Ultrafast photography of the cornea ablation, Laser '93 Conference, München, (1993) DoK3 p. 14. Lasermedizin 9 (1993) 127
214.Zs. Bor, B. Hopp,Zs. Márton, Z. Gogolák and F. Ignácz: Ultafast photography of shock waves originating from UV photoablated surface, SPIE Vol. 1983 (1993) 748
215.Zs. Bor, B. Hopp, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, Zs. Márton, and F. Vincze: Study of the ArF excimer laser ablation of the cornea, SPIE Vol. 1983 (1993) 902
216.G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Frequency conversion of ultrashort pulses, Appl. Phys. B 58, (1994) 237-241.
217.T. Juhász, X.H.Hu, L. Turi and Zs. Bor: Dynamics of shock waves and cavitations bubbles generated by picosecond laser pulses in corneal tissue and water, Lasers in Surg. and Med. 15 (1994) 91-98
218.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and J. Heitz: Direct writing and in-situ material processing by a laser-micromachining projection microscope, Appl. Phys. A 58, (1994) 211-214.
219.J. Klebniczki, J. Hebling, B. Hopp, G. Hajós and Zs. Bor: Fluid jet with variable thickness in the range 5-20 µm, Meas. Sci. Technol. 5 (1994) 601-603.
220.Z.L. Horváth, Zs. Bor: Behaviour of femtosecond pulses on the optical axis of a lens. Analytical description, Opt. Commun. 108 (1994) 333-342.
221.Füst Á. Ratkay I., Süveges I., Bor Zs. Nagy Z. Zs.: Excimer lézer kezelés hatása a nyúl corneájára - elektronmikroszkópos tanulmány (The effect of the excvimer laser treatment on the rabit’s cornea - electron microscopical study) Szemészet, 131(2) (1994) 85-88.
222.A.P. Kovács, R. Szipőcs, K. Osvay and Zs. Bor: Group-delay dispersion measurement of laser mirrors by spectrally resolved white light interferometry, Ultrafast Phenomena. May 2-6, 1994 Danapoint, California, Ser. Vol. 7 (1994) MD23-1/109-MD23-3/111.
223.Z.L. Horváth, K. Osvay and Zs. Bor: Dispersed femtosecond pulses in the vicinity of focus, Opt. Commun. 111 (1994) 478-482
224.D. Xenakis, C. Kalpouzos, C. Fotakis, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz and G. Szabó: Non-linear reflection from polymer surfaces during femtosecond ultraviolet photoablation, Tenth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers 5-9 Sept. (1994) Friedrichshafen, Germany.SPIE Ser. vol. 2502 (1995) 682-686.
225.Horváth Z.,Osvay K., és Zs. Bor Szögdiszperzióval rendelkező impulzus fókuszálása akromatikus lencsével. Kvantumelektronika’94 A hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményei, II. szimpózium, Budapest (1994) p. 61.
226.Kovács A., Osvay K. és Bor Zs.: Dielektrikum tükrök csoportkésleltetés-diszperziójának mérése fehérfényű interferométerrel. Kvantumelektronika ’94 Budapest (1994) p. 66.
227.Osvay K, Bor Zs., Kurdi G., Szipőcs R. és Kovács A.: Lézertükrök csoportkésleltetésének mérése Fabry-Perot interferométerrel. Kvantumelektronika ’94 Budapest, (1994) p. 67.
228.K. Osvay, G. Kurdi, J. Hebling, A.P. Kovács and Zs. Bor: Measurement of the group delay of laser mirrors by a Fabry-Perot interferometer, Optics Letters 20 (1995) 2339-2341.
229.K. Osvay, G. Kurdi, A.P. Kovács, R. Szipőcs and Zs. Bor: High-precision measurement of group-delay dispersion on laser mirrors, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore (1995). Opt. Soc. America, 1995. p. 429-30.
230.T. Juhász, G. Kastis, C. Suarez, Zs. Bor and W. E. Bron: Photoacustic effects of femtosecond optical breakdown in biological tissue and water, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO’95) Baltimore (1995). Opt. Soc. America, 1995. p. 295
231.J. Sneider, K. Révész, Zs. Bor and J. Molnár: Multidrug resistance reversal studies by atomic force microscope, V. International Conference of Anticancer Research 17-22 Oct. 1995, Corfu, Greece. (1995).
232.Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, D. Xenakis, C. Kalpouzos, C. Fotakis: Femtosecond transient reflection from polymer surfaces during femtosecond UV photoablation, Appl. Phys. A 60, (1995) 365-368.
233.T. Juhász, G.A. Kastis, C. Suarez, Zs. Bor, W.E. Bron: Time-resolved observations of shock waves and cavitation bubbles generated by femtosecond laser pulses in corneal tissue and water, Laser in Surgery and Medicine 17 (1995)
234.B. Hopp, M. Csete, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Time-resolved study of ArF excimer laser ablation processes of polymethylmethacrylate, Appl. Phys A 61 (1995) 339-345.
235.A.P. Kovács, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor and R. Szipőcs: Group-delay measurement on laser mirrors by spectrally resolved white-light interferometry, Optics Letters 20 (1995) 788-790.
236.G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, J. Hebling, A.P. Kovács, R. Szipőcs, Z. Bor: High precision group delay measurement on laser mirrors, Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Triest (1995)
237.T. Juhász, G. Kastis, C. Suarez, Zs. Bor and W.E. Bron: Evaluation of the potential of femtosecond laser pulses for intraocular microsurgery, Invest. Opthalmol. Vis. Sci. 36 (1995) S987.
238.Zs. Bor, C. Cavallaro, M. Erdélyi, M. Kido, C. Sengupta, M. Smayling, G. Szabó, F. Tittel and W. Wilson: A new phase shifting technique for deep UV excimer laser based lithography, Processing of the SPIE, CA, USA 7-9 Feb. Vol 2380 (1995) 195-202.
239.M. Erdélyi, C. Sengupta, Zs. Bor, J.R. Cavallaro, M. Kido, M.C. Smayling, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, G. Szabó: A new interferometric phase-shifting techinique for sub-half-micron laser microlithography, Optical-Laser Microlithography VIII. part of SPIE's 1995 Symp. on Microlithography. The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2440 (1995):827-837.
240.F.K. Tittel, M. Erdélyi, G. Sengupta, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling, W.L. Wilson: Ultrahigh resolution lithography with excimer lasers, NATO Workshop, on "Gas Lasers - Recent Development and Future Prospects "Moscow July 2-5, 1995.
241.Zs. Tóth, B. Hopp, Z. Kántor, F. Ignácz, T. Szörényi, Zs. Bor: Dynamics of excimer laser ablation of thin tungsten films monitored by ultrafast photography, Appl. Phys. A 60 (1995) 431-436.
242.M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, J.R. Cavallaro, G. Szabó, W.L. Wilson, C. Sengupta, M.C. Smayling and F.K. Tittel: Enhanced Microlithography Using Combined Phase Shifting and Off-axis Illumination, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 34 (1995) pp. L 1629-L 1631
243.M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, F.K. Tittel, J.R. Cavallaro, G. Szabó, W.L.Wilson, M. Smayling and C. Sengupta: A Phase Shifting Techique for Ultrahigh Resolution Deep-UV Lithography First International Symposium on 193 nm Lithography Colorado, CO, Aug 15-18, (1995)
244.Z. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Superluminal pulse propagation caused by Gouy phase shift IXth International Symp. on "Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy" 1995 Trieste, Italy.
245.A.P. Kovács G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, R. Szipőcs, J. Hebling and Zs. Bor: New interferometric methods for group-delay measurement using white-light illumination. UPS’95 Trieste, Plenum Press 1996) Italy pp. 607-611.
246.C. Sengupta, M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, J. R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling, G. Szabó, F.K. Tittel and W.L. Wilson: An integrated CAD framework linking VLSI layout editors and process simulatiors. Optical. and Laser Microlitography IX. Santa Clara, CA (March 13-15 1996) Symposium on Microlitography, SPIE Proc. 2726 (1996) 244-252
247.Z.L. Horváth, J. Vinkó, Zs. Bor, D. von der Linde: Acceleration of femtosecond pulses to superluminal velocities by Gouy phase shift., Appl. Phys. B63, (1996) 481-484.
248.M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson: Sub-quarter micron contact hole fabrication using annular illumination. (Optical and Laser Microlithography IX, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 13-15 March 1996). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2726 (1996):88-93.
249.B. Hopp, M. Csete, K. Révész, J. Vinkó and Zs. Bor: Formation of the surface structure of polyethylene-terephtalate (PET) due to ArF excimer laser ablation. Applied Surface Science, 96-98 (1996) 611-616.
250.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, A. Miklós, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: On the possibility of combining external cavity diode laser with photoacoustic detector for high sensitivity gas monitoring, Int. J. of Environ. Anal. Chem. ISEAC 26. 3 (1997) 1.
251.F.K. Tittel, M. Erdélyi, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling: High resolution microlithography applications of deep-UV excimer lasers, submitted to GCL/HPL’96 Edinburgh, U.K. (Aug. 26-30, 1996)
252.Zs. Bor, M.Erdélyi, Z.L. Horváth, G. Szabó, F.K. Tittel, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling: Generation of diffraction-free beams for application in optical microlithography. Workshop. „Holography as Realized” Kecskemét, Hungary, June 3-4, 1996
253.M. Erdélyi, Z.L. Horváth, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, F.K. Tittel, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling: Application of Nondiffracting Bessel Beams to Optical Lithography, Second International Symposium on 193 nm Lithography, Colorado Springs CO (July 30‑Aug 2, 1996) - poszter
254.T. Juhász, G. Kastis, C. Suárez, L. Turi, Zs. Bor and W.E. Bron: Shock wave and cavitation bubble dynamics during photodisruption in ocular media and their dependence on the pulse duration. Laser in Surgery and Medicine 19 (1996) 2331.
255.Zs. Bor and Z.L.Horváth: How to select a lens for focusing of femtosecond pulses. Brazilian Journal of Physics 26 (1996) 516-519.
256.F.K. Tittel, M. Erdélyi, C. Sengupta, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling and W.L. Wilson: Ultrahigh resulution lithography with excimer lasers. Gas Lasers - Recent Developments and Future Prospects, (1996) 263-272.
257.Zs. Benkő, Zs. Bor and I. Dékány: Analysis of movement of nanoparticles in solutions induced by lasers.NATO Workshop, Szeged, 1996.
258.Csete M. és Bor Zs.: Új plan-konkáv mikroküvetta erősen abszrobeáló folyadékok abszropciós együtthatójának meghatározására, OLSI Pécs (1996).
259.K. Révész, B. Hopp and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser induced surface chemical modification of teflon. Strasbourg (1996) H-V/P52.
260.K. Révész, B. Hopp and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser induced surface photochemical reaction of 1,2-diaminoethane with polytetrafluoroethylene. J. Phys. Chem. (1996).
261.A.P. Kovács, G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, R. Szipőcs, J. Hebling and Zs. Bor: New interferometric methods for group-delay measurement using white-light illumination. UPS Plenum Press New York (1996) 607-611.
262.Z. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Superluminal pulse propagation caused by Gouy phase shift. UPS ’96, Plenum Press New York, (1996) 171-174.
263.M. Csete and Zs. Bor: Plano concave microcuvette for measuring the absorption coefficient of highly absorbing liquids. Applied Optics 36(10) (1997) 2133-2138.
264.M. Erdélyi, Z.L. Horváth, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, F. K. Tittel, J. R. Cavallaro and M.C. Smayling: Generation of diffraction-free beams for applications in optical micorlithography, J. Vac. Sci. and Techn. B15(2) (1997) 287-292.
265.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Photoacoustic gas detection based on external cavity diode laser light source, Opt. Eng . Vol. 36(2) 482-486 (1997)
266.B. Hopp, Zs. Bor, Zs. E. Homolya. and E. Mihalik: Investigation of conical structures created by ArF excimer laser irradiation of polycarbonate, (Laser Processing of Surfaces and Thin Films. of the 1996 E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, 4-7 June 1996). Appl. Surf. Sci. 109/110 (1997) 232-235.
267.K. Révész, B. Hopp,. and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser induced surface chemical modification of polytetrafluoroethylene, (Laser Processing of Surfaces and Thin Films. of the 1996 E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, 4-7 June 1996). Appl. Surf. Sci. 109/110 (1997) 222-226.
268.Zs. Bor, M. Csete, M. Erdélyi, Zs. Geretovszky, P. Heszler, B. Hopp, Z. Horváth, Z. Kántor, B. Rácz, K. Révész, G. Szabó, T. Szörényi and Zs. Tóth: Surface structuring by laser-based techniques, International Workshop and Grain Boundary Segregation, NANO. Konf. Eger, 1997.
269.Zs. Bor, A. P. Kovács, K. Osvay and R. Szipőcs: Dispersion measurement on crystals and multilayer mirrors with spectrally resolved white-light interferometry, Novel Lasers, Devices, and Applications (LASER’97) München (1997. June)
270.Z. L. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Superluminal pulse propagation caused by Gouy phase shift, Novel Lasers, Devices, and Applications, München (1997.June)
271.Zs. Bor, A. P. Kovács, K. Osvay and R. Szipőcs: Measurement of dispersive properties of optical materials and mirrors using spectrally resolved white-light interferometry, International Conference on Optical Diagnosis of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro- and Quantum Electronics, Kijev Ukraine. SPIE 3359 (1997). 132-137.
272.M. Erdélyi, Z. L. Horváth, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, J. R. Cavallaro and F. K. Tittel: Enhancement of depth of focus using nearly nondiffracting bessel beams in optical microlithography, Submitted to the seminar on „New Nanostuctures below 100 nm: Perspectives & Applications”, Bad Honnef, Germany, 27-30 January (1997).
273.M. Erdélyi, Z. L. Horváth, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, J. R. Cavallaro, M. C. Smayling and F. K. Tittel: Optical microlithography with nearly nondiffracting beams, SPIE’s Microlithography’97 Symposium, Optical Microlithography X, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A. 12-14 March, 1997. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, .3051 (1997) :959-966.
274.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, A. Miklós, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: On the possibility of combining external cavity diode laser with photoacoustic detector for high sensitivity gas monitoring, Int. J. of Env. Anal. Chem. /ref. No. 2749W/ (submitted) (1997).
275.Z. L. Horváth, M. Erdélyi, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, F.K. Tittel, J.R. Cavallaro: Generation of nearly nondiffracting Bessel beams with Fabry-Perot interferometer, J. of the Opt. Soc. of America A, 14(No. 11) (1997) 3009-3013 and J. of Opt. Soc. of America B
276.B. Hopp, A. Nógrádi, K. Révész, Zs. Bor, L. Kolozsvári: Surface roughness investigations of excimer laser ablated cornea, 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 3423 (1998) 441-5.
277.B. Hopp, Zs. Bor, E. Homolya, E. Mihalik: Conical structures produced by excimer laser irradiation of polymers, 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.3423 (1998) 389-93.
278.B. Hopp, K. Révész, Zs. Bor: High tensile strength poly(tetrafluoroethylene) sticking induced by ArF excimer laser surface treatment, 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.3423 (1998) 394-8.
279.G. Szabó, J. Péter, S.C. Carpenter, P.M. Weber, T. Szakács, A. Lőrincz: Self-learning optical system based on a genetic algorithm driven spatial light modulator. 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997).
280.Z. Bozóki, J. Sneider, M. Szakáll, Á. Mohácsi, G. Tóth, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: Toward a gas detection instrument based on external cavity diode lasers and photoacoustic detectors. 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.3423 (1998):238-41.
281. Z.L. Horváth, M. Erdélyi, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, F.K. Tittel and J.R.Cavallaro: Generation of zero order Bessel beams with Fabry-Perot interferometer. 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.3423 (1998) 135-9.
282.G. Kurdi, K. Osvay and Zs. Bor: A high brightness white light source. 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997).
283.K. Osvay, I.N. Ross, J.M. D. Lister and C.J. Hooker: High dynamic range measurement of the temporal contrast of ultrashort UV pulses. 2nd GR-I International Conference on „New laser technologies and applications” Olympia, Greece, June 1-4, (1997).
284.F. K. Tittel, M. Erdélyi, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor: High resolution microlithography applications of deep-UV excimer lasers. (XI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference, Edinburgh). Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3092 (1997) 462-466.
285.B. Bónis, L. Kemény, A.Dobozy, Zs. Bor. G. Szabó and F. Ignácz: 308 nm UVB excimer laser for psoriasis. The Lancet, 350 (1997) 1522.
286.M. Csete and Zs. Bor: Laser induced periodic surface structure formation on polyethylene-terephthalate. Applied Surface Science
287.K. Révész, B. Hopp and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser induced surface photochemical reaction of 1,2-diaminoethane with poly(tetrafluoroethylene). Langmuir 13 (1997) 5593-5601.
288.B. Bónis and other: 308 nm UVB excimer laser is highly effective for psoriasis. The Lancet (1997).
289.Á. Mechler, P. Heszler, C.T. Reimann, K. Révész and Zs. Bor: Cantilever flexure, adhesive/attractive and lateral force measurements on highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite by scanning force microscopy.Vacuum (1997).
290.R. Szipőcs, A.P. Kovács, Zs. Bor: Dispersion measurement on crystals for ultrashort pulse generation with use of interference in the frequency domain. CLEO’97 133.
291.A. Nógrádi, B. Hopp, K. Révész, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and L. Kolozsvári: Atomic force microscopic study of the human cornea following excimer laser keratectomy.
292.Zs. Bor, M. Erdélyi, Z.L. Horváth, G. Szabó and F. K. Tittel: Depth of focus enhancement with nearly nondiffracting beams.Proc. of the Ninth Hungarian Korean Seminar, Budapest (1997) 251-258.
293.Zs. Geretovszky, B. Hopp, Z. Kántor, K. Révész, F. Ignácz, M. Csete, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Surface chemical modification and pattern deposition with lasers. Proc. of the Ninth Hungarian Korean Seminar, Budapest (1997) 263-271.
294.B. Hopp, K. Révész, Zs. Bor and M. Csete: Excimer laser induced surface chemical modification of polymers. Proc. of the Ninth Hungarian Korean Seminar, Budapest (1997).
295.Kurdi G, Osvay K. és Bor Zs.:Nagyfényességű, szélessávú folytonos fényforrás. Kvantumelektronika ’97
296.Mohácsi Á., Szakáll M., Bozóki Z., Sneider J. Bor Zs. és Szabó G.:Fotoakusztikus vízgőzdetektálás különböző gázokban. Kvantumelektronika ’97
297.Szakáll, M., Mohácsi Á. Bozóki Z., Sneider J., Bor Zs. és Szabó G.: Fotoakusztikus gázdetektálás külsőrezonátoros diódalézerrel. Kvantumelektronika ’97
298.Tóth Zs., Hopp B., Ignácz F., Bor Zs.: Volfrám és króm vékonyrégegek excimer lézeres ablációjának in-situ vizsgálata. Kvantumelektronika ’97
299.Kovács A.P., Varjú K. Osvay K. és Bor Zs.:Spektrálisan bontott fehér fényű interferenciacsíkok dőlése. Kvantumelektronika ’97
300.Szipőcs R., Kovács A.P. Bor Zs.: Lézerkristályok csoportkésleltetés-diszperziójának mérése. Kvantumelektronika ’97
301.Csete M. és Bor Zs.: Lézer indukált periodikus felületi struktúrák polyethylene-terephthaláton. Kvantumelektronika ’97
302.Csete M. és Bor Zs.: Plankonkáv mikroküvetta nagy abszropciós együtthatók meghatározására. Kvantumelektronika ’97
303.Mechler Á., Heszler Pé, Kántor Z.és Bor Zs.: Gyémántszerű szén előállítása grafit felszínen excimer lézerrel. Kvantumelektronika ’97
304.Benkő Zs., Hilbert M. és Bor Zs.: Talbot csíkok. Kvantumelektronika ’97
305.Hopp B. Szíj Z., Csete M. Ignácz F.és Bor Zs.:Folyadékok excimer lézeres ablációjának vizsgálata. Kvantumelektronika ’97
306.Hopp B. Nógrádi A., Révész K., Bor Zs. és Kolozsvári L.: Excimer lézerrel ablált humán cornea morfológiai vizsgálata. Kvantumelektronika ’97
307.Bor Zs., Rácz B., Hopp B., Szabó G., D. Xenakis és C. Kalpouzos, C.Fotakis Femtoszekundumos excimer lézerrel besugárzott polimerek felületi reflexió változásának időbeli vizsgálata. Kvantumelektronika ’97:
308.Erdélyi M., Bor Zs., Szabó G. és F.K. Tittel: Feloldóképesség növelés annuláris apertúra és coated objektív segítségével. Kvantumelektronika ’97
309.Bor Zs. Erdélyi M., Horváth L. Z. Szabó G. és F.K. Tittel: Nemdiffraktáló Bessel nylábok mikrolitográfiai alkalmazása. Kvantumelektronika ’97.
310.E. Mihalik, E. Nagy, K. Kálmán, B. Hopp and Zs. Bor: Laser ablation: A new technique in sample preparation of botanical materials for SEM.J. of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9(2) (1997) 91-92.
311.JATE TTK Okatási és Kutatási tevékenysége 1995-96 (1997) F-37.
312.Kovács A., Bor Zs. és Szipőcs R.: A fázisderiváltak hatása a spektrálisan bontott fehér fényű interferenciagyűrűk alakjára. Kvantumelektronika ’97.
313.Mihalik E., Kálmán K., Nagy E., Hopp B. és Bor Zs.: Lézer ablációs módszer alkalmazása növényi mikroszkópos preparátumok készítésében. IX. Magyar Növényanatómiai Szimpózium, Szeged, Szept. 10-12. (1997).
314.Zs. Bor: Generation and measurement of ultrashort laser pulses. Trends in Laser Development, Application and Technologies (Eds.: A. Czitrovszky, I. Kertész), Technoorg-Linda Ltd. Co. Budapest, (1997)
315.Á. Mechler, P. Heszler, Z. Kántor, T. Szövényi and Zs. Bor: Diamond-like carbon layer formation on graphite by excimer laser irradiation. Appl. Phys. A 66 (1998) 659-661.
316.M. Erdelyi, M. Hilbert, Zs. Bor: Anomalous dispersion of dye solutions observed in a prismatic cuvette. American Journal of Physics, 66(9) (1998) 791-793.
317.M. Csete, M.; Bor, Z.: Laser-induced periodic surface structure formation on polyethylene-terephthalate. Applied Surface Science, 133 (1998) 5-16.
318. Zs. Benkő, É. Farkas, Zs. Bor, I. Ketskeméty: Measurement of the thermal gradient in solutions generated by laser illumination. International Conference on Applied Optical Metrology, 8-11 June 1998, Balatonfüred, SPIE Vol. 3407 (1998) 285-290
319.Zs. Márton, B. Hopp, Zs. Tóth, M. Csete, F. Ignácz, Zs. Bor: Velocity measurements in the nanosecond range realised by variably delayed dye laser exposition. International Conference on Applied Optical Metrology, 8-11 June 1998, Balatonfüred, SPIE Vol. 3407 (1998) 291-296.
320. A. Kovács, Zs. Bor and R. Szipőcs: Reshaping of the spectrally resolved white-light fringes caused by dispersion. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics 14-17 Sept. 1998, Budapest, Hungary, SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 588-591.
321.Zs. Benkő, M. Hilbert and Zs. Bor: Talbot’s bands. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics 14-17 Sept. 1998. Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 509-512.
322.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, M. Szakáll, Á. Mohácsi, Zs. Bor and G. Szabó: On the possible application areas of the diode laser based photoacoustic gas detection method. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 264-267.
323.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, Á. Mohácsi, M. Szakáll, A. Miklós, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Optimalisation of diode laser based photoacoustic laser system for high sensitivity detection of water vapour, methane and carbon-dioxide. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 260-263.
324.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, Á. Mohácsi, M. Szakáll, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Development and application of external cavity diode laser systems for photoacoustic gas detection. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 256-259.
325. Zs. Tóth, T. Smausz, B. Hopp, F Ignácz, Z. Kántor, T. Szörényi, Zs. Bor: Ultrafast photographic investigation on laser ablation of liquid metals. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 142-145.
326.G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor and I. Ketskeméty: A high brightness white light source. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 17-20.
327.Á. Mechler, P. Heszler, Z. Kántor, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Atomic force microscope study of excimer laser treated graphite surfaces. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 96-99.
328.J.A. Fülöp, A.P. Kovács and Zs. Bor: Two-pass second harmonic generation of ultrashort pulses. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 59-62.
329.M. Csete and Zs. Bor: Development of submicormeter periodic surface structures on polyethylene-terephthalate. Optika ’98 5th Congress on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept. 1998 Budapest, Hungary. SPIE Vol. 3573 (1998) 120-123.
330.Z.L. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Reshaping of femtosecond pulses by the Gouy phase shift. Phys. Rev. E 60 (1999) 2337-2346.
331.Bónis B., Kemény L., Bor Zs., Szabó G., Ignácz F. és Dobozy A.: A psorasis 308 nm-es XeCl excimer lézer kezelése (308 nm XeCl excimer laser psoriasis). Bőrgyógyászati és Venerológiai Szemle 74(3) (1998) 143-145.
332.M. Erdélyi, Zs.Bor, G. Szabó and F.K.Tittel: Enhanced microlithography using coated objectives and image duplication. XI .Microlithography ’98 SPIE 3334 (1998) 579-589.
333.Zs. Tóth, B. Hopp, Z. Kántor, F. Ignácz, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser ablation of molten metals as followed by ultrafast photography. EMRS 1998 Spring Meeting Strasbourg June 16-19 (1998).
334.B. Hopp, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, G. Szabó, D.Xenakis, C. Kalpouzos and C. Fotakis: Single shot picosecond time-resolved measurement of the transient reflection increase of ablated polymer surfaces. CIMTEC ’98 Florence, Italy, June 14-19 (1998) 337-342.
335. Bor Zs., Bozóki, Z., Sneider J. és Szabó G.: Fotoakusztikus elven működő, vízgőzkoncentráció meghatározásával alkalmas lézeres mérőműszerek fejlesztése és alkalmazása az élelmiszeriparban (Development of a laser based photoacoustic water vapour measuring instrument and its application for the food industry). SZÉF ’98
336.Á. Mechler, Z. Kántor, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser irradiation induced formation of diamond-like carbon layer on graphite. E-MRS 1998 Spring Meeting Strasbourg, June 16-19 (1998).
337. Stájer A., Mechler Á. Fazekas A. és Bor Zs.: Egyéni szájhigiénés módszerek és professzionális plakkmentesítő eljárások hatása a titán implantátumok nyaki transzmukozális felszínére. Magyar Fogorvosok XV. Jubileiumi Árkövy Kongresszusa ’98 Budapest, augusztus 25-29.
338. Á. Mechler, P. Heszler, C.T.Reimann, K. Révész and Zs. Bor: Cantilever flexure, adhesive/attractive and lateral force measurements on highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite by scanning force microscopy. Vacuum 50(3-4) (1998) 281-287.
339.A. P. Kovács, K. Varjú, K. Osvay and Zs. Bor: On the formation of white-light interference fringes. Am. J. Phys. 66(11) (1998) 985-989.
340.Bor Zs.: A kutatás-fejlesztés és az oktatás helyzete Magyarországon. Építéstudományi Egyesület Konferenciája Budapest (1998).
341.I. Ratkay, T. Krenács, B. Hopp, Zs. Bor, Zs. Lajtos and L. Dux: Expression of regulatory molecules and the redistribution of epithelial junctions following excimer laser ablation of rabbit corneae. 1998. ARVO
342.M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, W.L. Wilson, M.C. Smayling and F.K. Tittel: Simulation of coherent multiple imaging by means of pupil plane filtering in optical microlithography. JOSA A 16(8) (1999) 1909-1914.
343.Zs. Tóth, B. Hopp, F. Ignácz, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Ultrafast photography of early stages of excimer laser ablation of thin metal films. CIMTEC ’98 Florence, Italy, June 14-19 (1998) 343-350.
344. M. Csete, Zs. Tóth and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser induced periodic surface structure formation on polymethylene-terephthalate. CIMTEC ’98 Florence, Italy, June 14-19 (1998) 441-446.
345.B. Hopp, Zs. Márton, M. Csete, F. Ignácz and Zs. Bor: Investigation of changes in optical properties of excimer laser irradiated polymers. Proc. SPIE Vol. 3423 (1998) p. 441-445.
346. L. Kolozsvári, A. Nógrádi, B. Hopp and Zs. Bor: UV absorption of anterior corneal layers in the 240-400 nm spectal range. XXVIII. International Congress of Ophthalmology, Amsterdam, Netherland, June 21-26 (1998).
347.B. Hopp, Zs.Tóth, Z. Kántor, T. Smausz, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Time-resolved study of excimer laser ablated molten metals. Precision Machining: Laser Beam Micromachining, Proc. of the 10th Hungarian-Korean Seminar, 1998. p. 109.
348.Bor Zs.: Tudomány és közgondolkodás. Ezredforduló 4 (1998) 25-26.
349.M. Erdélyi, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, W.L. Wilson, M.C. Smayling and F.K.Tittel: Enhanced microlithography using coherent multiple imaging. The International Symposium on Microelectronic Manofacturing Technologies, 19-21 May 1999, Edingburgh, U.K. Europto Series.
350.M. Erdélyi, A. Kroyan, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, W.L.Wilson, M.C: Smayling and F.K.Tittel: Coherent multiple imaging by means of pupil plane filtering. Optical Microlithography XII. SPIE Vol. 3679, 17-19 March 1999, Santa Clara USA.
351.Á. Mechler, P. Heszler, Z. Kántor, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser irradiation induced formation of diamond-like carbon layer on graphite. Applied Surface Science 138-139 (1999) 174-178.
352.Zs. Tóth, B. Hopp, T. Smausz, Z. Kántor, F. Ignácz, T. Szörényi, and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser ablation of molten metals as followed by ultrafast photography, Appl. Surf. Sci., 138-139 (1999) 130-134.
353.Ferincz I., Ratkay I., Dinnyés M. és Bor Zs.: Az effektív ablációs sebesség életkor és korrekció nagyságától való függése PRK kezelésének során. Magyar Műlencse Implantációs és Refraktív Sebészeti Társaság, Keszthely, 1999. március 18-20.
354.J. Sneider, Z. Bozóki, G.Szabó and Zs. Bor: Methane detection with single laser photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy. In Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena: Tenth International Conference, edited by: F. Scudieri and M. Bertolotti, AIP Conference Proceedings 463, The American Institute of Physics, New York, 1999, pp. 271-273.
355.Zs. Bor: Optics by Hungarians. Fizikai Szemle 49 (1999) 202-205.
356.Zs. Bor, M. Erdélyi, Z. Horváth, G. Szabó, K. Osvay, W.L. Wilson and F.K. Tittel: Applications of non-diffracting beams. .[Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.3749, 1999, pp.76-7. USA.
357.M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, W.L. Wilson, M. C. Smayling and F. K. Tittel: Simulation of coherent multiple imaging by means of pupil plane filtering in Optical Microlithography. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16(8), 1909-1914 (1999)
358.B. Hopp, Z. Tóth, K. Gal, A. Mechler, Zs Bor, S.D. Moustaizis, S. Georgiou and C. Fotakis: Time-resolved investigation of the transient surface reflection changes of subpicosecond excimer laser ablated liquids. [Conference Paper] Springer-Verlag. Applied Physics a (Materials Science Processing), vol.A69, suppl., Dec. 1999, pp.191-4. Germany.
359.M. Erdélyi, Zs. Bor, W.L. Wilson, M.C. Smayling and F.K. Tittel: Enhanced optical microlithography with a Fabry-Perot-based spatial filtering technique Applied Optics 39(7) (2000) 1121-1129.
360. P. Heszler, K. Révész, C.T. Reimann, Á. Mechler and Zs. Bor: Enhanced frictive, adhesive and attractive forces imaged at etch-pit edges on highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite by scanning force microscopy. Nanotechnology 11 (2000) 37-43.
361.Á. Mechler, P. Heszler, Zs. Márton, M. Kovács, T. Szörényi and Zs. Bor: Raman spectroscopic and atomic force microscopic study of graphite ablation at 193 and 248 nm. Applied Surface Science 154-155 (2000) 22-28.
362.J.A. Fülöp, A. P. Kovács and Zs. Bor: Disperison-compensated two-pass arrangement for second harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses. Laser Physics 2 (2000) 437-440.
363.C.K. Van Peski, R. Morton and Zs. Bor: Behavior of fused silica irradiated by low level 193 nm excimer laser for tens of billions of pulses. Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 265(3) (2000) 285-289.
364.A. Nógrádi, B. Hopp, K. Révész, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor and L. Kolozsvári: Atomic force microscopic study of the human cornea following excimer laser keratectomy. Exp. Eye Res. 70 (2000) 363-368.
365.K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, P. Dombi, I.E.Ferincz, J. Hebling, J. Klebniczki, A.P. Kovács, G. Kurdi and K. Varjú: TeWaTi – a versatile fs laser system with controllable chirp and tuneable UV pulses. 1st General Meeting of the ULTRA Programme of European Science Foundation, 2000, Coimbra, Portugal, paper 34.
366.R.G. Morton, R.L. Sandstrom, G.M. Blumenstock, Zs. Bor and C.K. Van Peski: Behavior of fused silica materials for microlithography irradiated at 193 nm with low-fluence ArF radiation for tens of billions of pulses. [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4000, pt.1-2, 2000, pp.496-510. USA.
367.Zs. Bor and T. Embree: Acoustic wave, thermal inhomogenity, flow speed and fan generated turbulence measurement in high repetition rate gas lasers. XIII. International Symposium on Gas Flow & Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference.
368.I.E. Ferincz, I. Ratkay, Zs. Bor: Age dependence of excimer laser corneal ablation: a clinical study of photorefractive keratechtomy. (2000)
369.K. Osvay, P. Dombi, A.P. Kovács, J. Klebniczki, G. Kurdi and Zs. Bor: Tunable third order dispersion of a prismatic pulse compressor. .[Conference Paper] Trends in Optics and Photonics. Twelfth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena. Vol.43. Technical Digest. Postconference Edition. Opt. Soc. America. 2000, pp.191-3. Washington, DC, USA.
370. Á. Mohácsi, M. Szakáll, Z. Bozóki, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: High Stability external cavity diodelaser system for photoacoustic gas detection. Laser Physics, 10(1) (2000) 1-4.
371. I.E. Ferincz, I. Ratkay-Traub and Zs. Bor: Age and intended correction dependence of effective ablation rate during photorefractive keratectomy. [Conference Paper] MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing. Laser Physics, vol.10, no.2, March-April 2000, pp.485-8. Russia.
372. J.A. Fülöp, A.P. Kovacs and Zs. Bor: Dispersion-compensated two-pass arrangement for second harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses. [Conference Paper] MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing. Laser Physics, vol.10, no.2, March-April 2000, pp.437-40. Russia.
373.Zs. Benkő, M. Hilbert and Zs. Bor:. New considerations on Talbot's bands. [Journal Paper] American Journal of Physics, vol.68, no.6, June 2000, pp.513-20. Publisher: American Assoc. Phys. Teachers through AIP, USA.
374.Z. Tóth, B. Hopp, A. Mechler, Zs. Bor, S.D. Moustaizis, A. Athanassiou, S. Georgiou, C. Kalpouzos and C. Fotakis: Reflectivity transients on solid surfaces induced by 0.5 ps high power excimer laser irradiation. [Conference Paper] MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing. Laser Physics, vol.10, no.1, Jan.-Feb. 2000, pp.241-5. Russia.
375.Bor Zsolt: Előadás a Szilárd Leó Professzori Ösztöndíj átvételekor. Budapest, 2001. febr. 12.
376.J. A. Fülöp, A.P. Kovács, Zs. Bor: Broadband dispersion-compensated two-pass second harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses. Optics Communications 188(5-6) (2001) 365-370.
377.Bor Zsolt: Lézerek a csúcstechnológia csúcsán. Fizikai Szemle, LI/4 (2001) 111-113.
378.Bor Zsolt: Teller Ede atomkutatás területén kifejtett világraszóló teljesítménye és etikai magatartása. Magyar Örökség (2001) 70-73.
379. I. Ratkay, B. Hopp, Zs. Bor, L. Dux, D.L. Becker and T. Krenács: Regeneration of rabbit cornea following excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy: a study on gap juncitons, eithelial juncitons and epidermal growth factor receptor expression in correlation with cell proliferation. Exp. Eye Res. 73 (2001) 291-302.
380.B. Hopp, T. Smausz, A. Rácz and Zs. Bor: Excimer laser destruction of micrometer size particles in a gas volume. Journal of Applied Physics 89(2) (2001) 1493-1496.
381. L. Kemény, B. Bónis, A. Dobozy, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó and F. Ignácz: 308-nm excimer laser therapy for psoriasis. Arch. Dermatol. 137 (2001) 95-96.
382.Z.L. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Diffraction of short pulses with boundary diffraction wave theory. Physical Review E, 63(2) (2001) 26601-26611.
383. M. Szakáll, Z. Bozóki, Martina Kreamer, Nicole Spelten, Ottmar Moehler and Ulrich Schurath: Evaluation of a photoacoustic detector for water vapor measurements under simulated tropospheric/lower stratospheric conditions. Environ. Sci. and Technol. A. Vol…..No……p.
384.M. Csete, O. Marti and Zs. Bor: Laser-induced periodic surface structures on different-poly-carbonate films. Appl. Phys. A. Mater. 73(4) (2001) 521-526.
385.E. Baltas, P. Nagy, B. Bonis, Z. Novak, F. Ignacz, G. Szabo, Zs. Bor, A. Dobozy and L. Kemeny: Repigmentation of localized vitiligo with the xenon chloride. Britisch Journal of Dermatology 144(6) (2001) 1266-1267.
386. C.K. Van Peski, Zs. Bor, T. Embree and R. Morton: Behavior of fused silica irradiated by low level 193 nm excimer laser for tens of billions of pulses. [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4347, 2001, pp.177-86. USA.
387.R. Morton, T. Embree, Zs. Bor and C. Van Peski: Optical damage testing of materials for use in 157 nm photolithographic systems. [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4346, pt.1-2, 2001, pp.1145-57. USA.
388.Z. Bozóki, A. Mohácsi, G. Szabó, Zs. Bor, M. Erdélyi, Weidong Chen, F.K. Tittel: Near-infrared diode laser based spectroscopic detection of ammonia: a comparative study of photoacoustic and direct optical absorption methods. [Journal Paper] Applied Spectroscopy, vol.56, no.6, June 2002, pp.715-19. Publisher: Soc. Appl. Spectrosc, USA. 389. R. Morton, T. Embree, Zs. Bor and C. Van Peski: Testing optical damage for 157 nm lithography. [Journal Paper] Semiconductor International, vol.25, no.2, Feb. 2002, pp.57-60. P ublisher: Cahners Publishing, USA. 390.K. Osvay, P. Dombi, A.P. Kovács and Zs. Bor: Fine tuning of the higher-order dispersion of a prismatic pulse compressor. Appl. Phys. B. 75 (2002) 649-654. 391. M. Csete, R.Eberle, M. Pietralla, O. Marti and Zs. Bor: Attenuation total reflection measurements on poly-carbonate surfaces structured by laser illumination. Applied surface Science 9640 (2002) 1-7. 392.: Kolozsvári, A. Nógrádi, B. Hopp and Zs. Bor: UV absorbance of the human cornea in the 240- to 400-nm range. IOVS 43(7) (2002) 2165-2168.
393. R. G. Morton, Zs. Bor and E.D. Onkels: Discharge laser having electrodes with sputter cavities and discharge peaks. Patent, No: 6,560,263 B1 394.Z. Bozóki, M. Szakáll, Á. Mohácsi, G. Szabó and Zs. Bor: Diode laser based photoacoustic humidity sensors. Sensors and Actuators B 91 (2003) 219-226. 395.M.Bereznai, I. Pelsőczi, Z. Tóth, K. Turzó, M. Radnai, Zs. Bor, A. Fazekas: Modification of titanium dental implants to promote their characteristics for osseointegration by ns and sub ps excimer laser pulses. Applied Physics A 396.Z.L. Horváth and Zs. Bor: Focusing of truncated Gaussian beams. Optics Communications 222 (2003) 51-68. 397.M. Csete, S. Hild, A. Plettl, P. Ziemann, Zs. Bor and O. Marti: The role of original surface roughness in laser-induced periodic surface structure formation process on poly-carbonate films. 398. M. Csete, J. Kokavecz, Zs. Bor and O. Marti: The existence of sub-micrometer micromechanical modulation generated by polarized UV laser illumination on polymer surfaces. Materials Science and Engineering C 23 (2003) 939-944. 399. Bor Zsolt: A lézerek színes világa. Beszélgetés Bor Zsolt Professzorral. Élet és Tudomány, LVIII. 6. szám (2003) 176-179.
400. M. Bereznai, I. Pelsőczi, Z. Tóth, K. Turzó, M. Radnai, Zs Bor and A. Fazekas: Surface modifications induced by ns and-sub-ps excimer laser pulses on titanium implant material. 401. L. Kemény, Zs. Bor, G. Szabó, F. Ignácz, B. Rácz and A. Dobozy: Phototherapeutical method and system for the treatment of inflammatory and hyperproliferative disorders of the nasal mucosa: Patent Application Publication. (Pub. No. US 2004/0030368 A1) 402. Bor Zs.: Fizika tudomány Magyarországon. (Physics Research in Hungary). Session des Sciences Physiques, Paris. 403. B. Hopp, R. Hegedűs, C. Vass, T. Smausz and Zs. Bor: Three-dimensional photography and reconstruction of jets and dr4oplets ejected from the surface of excimer laser ablated molten polyethylene-glycol 1000. Appl. Phys. A 79 (2004) 779-782. 404.M. Bereznai, I. Pelsõczi, Z. Tóth, K. Turzó, M. Radnai, Zs. Bor, A. Fazekas: Surface modifications induced by ns and sub-ps excimer laserpulses on titanium implant material Biomaterials 24 (2003)4197-4203 405.I. Pelsőczi, M. Bereznai, Zs. Tóth, K. Turzó, M. Radnai, Zs. Bor and A. Fazekas: Excimer laser treatment of Ti dental implants to promote surfacecharacteristics for bioactivation. Journal of Dental Research , 82 (2003) 573-573. 406.B. Hopp, T. Smausz, Zs. Antal, N. Kresz, Zs. Bor and D.Chrisey: Absorbing film assisted laser induced forward transfer of fungi (Trichoderma conidia). J. of Applied Physics 96(6) (2004) 3478-3481. |