Medical image quality enhancement



Noise reduction


The image quality in digital, fluoroscopic diagnostic X-ray equiments is highly affected by the image processing algorithms and softwares. The noise reduction algorithms are very improtant steps of this processing chain.

There is a continous development to reduce the expose time and the dose of the patient and medical staff. Therefore the real time noise reduction algorithms has increasing importance.


The first aim of this project is to review  the image processing techniques used in the X-ray diagnostic imaging, with special regards to noise reduction techniques. After the literature review the performance of the algorithms will be performed objectively and subecctively. According the gained experiences, development of new noise reduction step of the imaging chain will be started.

Besides the study and development of noise reduction algorithms, cooperation with cardiological labors will be started to obtain information about challenging and disturbing clinical situations.

Duration: 1,5 years

Required skills:

Interests in medical imaging, english, basic skills in mathematics and algorithms. Programming competence (data processing).

Partial tasks:




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