SMLMS 2016 – Lausanne

We participated in the SMLM software challenge with our software. Also we developed two new 3D modalities (Astigmatic and Bi-Plane) for rainSTORM in a short time to compete in those categories as well. These are not released into the wild yet, but be patient.


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  • P016Localization analysis with rainSTORMTamás Gajdos, József Németh, József Sinkó, Dániel Varga, Eric J. Rees, Gábor Szabó, Miklós Erdélyi
  • P039From measurement planning to the final image: software solutions for SMLM image processing – József Sinkó, Tamás Gajdos, Tibor Novák, József Németh, Eric J. Rees, Gábor Szabó, Miklós Erdélyi

The results can be found here, and our conclusion:

TL;DR; Our software scores high in precision (2D and AS 0.999-0.995; BP 0.88) and somewhere in the middle when measuring the recall rate (~0.6). And this value is the same for low and high density data. This means that we use less localizations from the available pool to create a more precise super resolved image.

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